Email Drip Campaigns

Do you want to efficiently scale your digital marketing campaigns, bring in more leads, and nurture potential customers? This is where email drip campaigns come in to engage leads and move them towards the sale.

An email drip campaign is an automated sequence of pre-written emails that are sent to leads from the moment they sign up. These emails are sent based on triggers designed to “drip” information to keep them engaged and move them through the sales cycle.

Drip campaigns are extremely targeted and are sent depending on the actions your prospect has taken (or not taken). For example, if someone hasn’t opened your last 3 emails, you can trigger an email sequence to re-initiate engagement. The more emails your lead opens the more engaged they become.

Types of Campaigns

Welcome Emails

The welcome emails starts with sending the subscriber any information you promised them while also introducing your company.

This is the best time to talk about your brand and make a strong impression. If you wait too long to follow up with a new email subscriber, they may have forgotten they had signed up for your list resulting in an unsubscribe.

Re-Engagement Emails

If you have subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while, a re-engagement email can be sent as an attempt to pull them back in. You can also opt to ask them if they want to unsubscribe if they are no longer interested in receiving your emails.

Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned carts are a common occurrence in e-commerce when someone adds products to their cart but never checks out. Abandoned cart email sequences remind them about their products and can even include enticements such as discounts or special offers to encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

Confirmation Emails

These emails confirm a purchase by the customer and thank them. You can also follow up with emails offering value such as teaching the customer how to use their new purchase, complementary products or additional offers creating up-sell and cross-sell opportunities.

Promotional Emails

What makes you open an email that is clearly promotional? It might be because they had a funny subject line, perhaps the brand had already sent you a few emails before telling you a story about their product, or maybe there was a compelling sale.

With the right approach, you can generate significant sales revenue from promotional emails about your products.

What Is It Not?

While you can create different email sequences that trigger when subscribers take a specific action, you cannot customize email drip campaigns to specific individuals.

Best Practices

Always Test Your Emails

A/B testing is a key part of successful email marketing and involves testing two versions of emails where only one element has been changed. This element could be email subject lines, call to action, images or more.

This iterative testing will result in increases to your conversion rate and email marketing ROI.

Send Valuable Emails

If you send emails that don’t add value to your subscribers they’ll eventually unsubscribe. Your emails should either be informative, entertaining or both. An anecdote or story can help your subscribers connect with your brand. Always ask yourself – ‘why should they care?’

Understanding Your Audience

Triggered campaigns generate over 75% of email revenue, compared to general email campaigns.

The more you segment your subscribers into specific user groups, the more targeted and personalized you can be with your emails. Identify their needs and write emails accordingly. For example, promotional emails may not resonate with subscribers who just joined your list, while subscribers who already know you may be ready to buy. This also builds trust with your subscribers since your emails will be more relevant.

Nurture Your Leads With Email Drip Campaigns

Segmented email campaigns have 101% higher click-through rates and can help you automatically nurture leads and bring them closer to making a purchase.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this blog post or wish to discuss a project.
We would love to hear from you!

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