4 Social Media Marketing Mistakes That Are Costing Your Business

Did you know that 89% of people will buy from a brand they follow on social media? This is why it’s essential to make sure your social media marketing strategy is working for you. This blog post will discuss 4 mistakes that many businesses make when using social media.

Not posting regularly

Every one of your social media posts has the potential to connect and engage with consumers. Showcase what makes customers connect with your business. Celebrate milestones with happy employees or how your company gives back to the community. Tell the story that is unique to you – this helps to create a connection to the people and not only the business.

The bottom line – post meaningful content on a regular, frequent basis.

Not using hashtags

Hashtags are more than just a way of categorizing content; they help you stand out and be found by others. Hashtags are the difference between being forgotten in this noise or making your voice heard among all the voices vying for attention on social media platforms. One unique hashtag can be the difference between standing out and fading into obscurity.

Numerous tools such as displaypurposes.com and all-hashtag.com let you research hashtags, see what’s trending, and more to help ensure you are using the most appropriate hashtags.

Ignoring your analytics dashboard

Social media data will help you create better content. It is essential to understand what type of content performs best and how it varies across social networks. By using social media analytics to understand which types of posts generate the best results, you can use these insights to launch successful marketing campaigns. Leveraging ongoing customer engagement with real-time analytics will ultimately lead to increased engagement.

Social media analytics will also help you understand when your audience is most active. Analyzing past posts will give a more accurate assessment of the best days and times to share content. The data from your social media analytics can also help identify which networks work best for the various types of content.

Using the wrong social media platform

Your social media strategy is more than just the right hashtags and relevant posts. It’s about understanding how to reach your audiences on different platforms. Every social media site is different, so your social media strategy should vary based on each platform.

When figuring out the best social media platform for your business, start by prioritizing what’s important. Is it expanding your reach? Generating more leads? Building brand awareness—and if so, which one of those do you need most right now?

By understanding the strengths of each platform, the audiences on each, and your goals, you can make an informed decision about which ones align best with your business.

With so much information to sift through, it’s easy for even the most experienced marketers to make a mistake. We created this post – and others like it – to help you avoid common pitfalls with social media marketing. If these sound familiar or you need additional guidance on how best to execute your digital marketing strategy, feel free to reach out! We offer personalized advice tailored precisely to your needs.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this blog post or wish to discuss a project.
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